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Part of my repurposing journey is discovering treasure among the trash.  I like to tap into otherwise unused resources (items that might otherwise be discarded) and turn them into ... hopefully, at minimum, a conversation piece.  I will share my projects and ideas here and if you would like to incorporate something I've made or I have inspired you to create something of your own in your next project.. Thank You!



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This is a recent project... where necessity is proven to be the mother of invention.  















& an good example of what I would like to pass on.


Couldn't afford to have the kickplate replaced and the front door refinished... DIY project born!  After shopping all my options and comparing values this is what I did...


Armed with Martha Stewart stencil, some inexpensive hobby lobby paints; verdigris colors suitable for metal, some bottles of lawn & garden black (leftover from the shutters)  & Voila!



Also, adorning my entry you will find an old scrub holly I (turned into a bit of a twisted topiary) with some Jasmine Ivey at the base (both which I dug up $free)


They are planted in a repurposed O'maha Steak Cooler [sans lid] upon a cheap plant pedestal that was slightly rusted on the top ~ otherwise would've been discarded.


The cooler is covered with a plaster of paris mixture with a few small tiles & jewels inset (all from the clearance aisle at the back of hobby lobby) on the cheap and simply dabbed with a few coordinating paint colors.  

© 2014 by Stellar Concierge Services

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